Vegetarian, SideMalia Howe

Roasted Radishes

Vegetarian, SideMalia Howe
Roasted Radishes

I am not a radish fan. I generally tolerate them in salads, but never choose to eat them alone raw or feel excited about them as my husband does. In fact, the only reason I put them in our garden is because he is so passionate about them. I try to be a good wife from time to time. Last week he told me that our foodie friend from high school had radishes broiled (he kept saying broiled, but I am pretty sure he meant roasted) at a restaurant recently and makes them all the time now. It was after this discussion that I remembered I did saute them once a few years ago after the CSA we joined suggested that preparation, and they were much better than raw. Today, I took our first radish crop and prepped them for the oven,! It really should have occurred to me long ago that roasting radishes would be good--if for no other reason than roasting makes all vegetables better. When you roast radishes, the bitterness disappears. They caramelize and become sweet, and if you didn't know better you might think you were eating a potato (except radishes have basically zero carbs and calories). Try it, you just might like it.

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Roasted Radishes

Clean and quarter radishes (or halve them if they are small). Toss with a small amount of olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast in single layer on baking sheet at 425 until golden and soft (took me about 20 minutes). The softer, the sweeter, but don't cross the line to mush. If you want to make them extra awesome, toss in a bit of butter and chopped fresh herbs (parsley, basil, dill, whatever you have), and maybe even a squeeze of lemon, when they come out of the oven.