Oven Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce

Oven Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce
Oven Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce 2.jpg

I've got a problem over here. Cherry tomatoes are coming out of my ears. I have never had this problem before, and it's actually kind of delightful. This is what I picked yesterday alone.

Now, while I love love love tomatoes of all kinds, it's pretty hard to use up this many. So, I did some searching, wondering how to best preserve these beautiful little gems of summer. I tried out a roasted cherry tomato sauce last night, and not only was it super simple and fast--it was super delicious. I'll be making several more batches for the freezer. This would be great on pasta, on pizza, or in any other way you find yourself needing to reach for a jar of spaghetti sauce.

Oven Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce

-adapted slightly from brooklynfarmgirl.com

  • 4 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 2 T oil of your choice--I used avocado. I am into avocado oil these days for its high heat cooking properites. Feel free to use sunflower, canola, or a light olive oil with a higher smoke point (not a good time for extra virgin)
  • 1/4 t. onion powder
  • 1/3 cup fresh basil
  • salt/pepper to taste
  • 1/2 t. garlic powder
  • 1/2 t sugar (I added this. Cherry tomatoes are pretty tart and this balances the flavor without making it sweet)
Oven Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce 3.jpg

Wash and dry the tomatoes and spread them on a sheet pan covered with foil. Toss wtih the 2 T oil, then sprinkle with the onion powder. Roast in the oven at 425 degrees for 35 minutes. The skins should be popped and the tomatoes will look wrinkly. This is good. Let them cool for a few minutes, then pop in the food processor with the basil, garlic powder, sugar, salt and pepper. Process until smooth. Use right away, throw in the fridge for tomorrow, or freeze to use down the road. Easy peasy.