Blueberry Freezer Jam

It's berry season, kids! That means it's time for my annual plug for homemade jam. You have got to get over thinking that you have to be some kind of magical canning fairy to make homemade jam. It takes minutes, people. And the results last a loooong time. Also, you don't really need to add pectin. Most jam will be just fine without that addition, and I happen to prefer a more compote like texture to my jam, as opposed to jelled, so I rarely use it anymore. To each their own, right? I made my first batch of blueberry jam today, thanks to my BFF for gifting me with some gorgeous blueberries imported straight from our mutual motherland of MO (and thanks to her children for picking them for me!).  I get all nervous when I have such beautiful farm-fresh seasonal fruit in large quantities. What to do with it? It's such pressure. But, lucky for me, kitchen pressure is my favorite kind of pressure. I decided to put half the berries in the freezer, and I took the other half to test out some all blueberry jam. I'm so glad I did. My kids, who in the past have scoffed at my jam, cannot get enough of it. They've had it slathered on toast with butter (seriously, have you ever made yourself a really good piece of toast with real butter and fresh homemade jam? There's nothing better) and in peanut butter sandwiches, and straight off the spoon (OK, that was me). I think it would be awesome on pancakes, in crepes, in yogurt, over ice get my drift. Blueberry season will be over in the blink of an eye--don't miss your opportunity.

Low Sugar Blueberry Freezer Jam

-5 cups fresh blueberries
-1/4 t. kosher salt
-1 T. fresh lemon juice
-1/2 cup sugar

Place all ingredients in large sauce pan, and mash berries with a potato masher until juices are released. Cook over medium heat until boiling (keep mashing here and there until it's how you like it), then reduce heat and cook over low for another 15-20 minutes, or until it's thickened up nicely. Place into clean jars/containers of your choice of size and then cool completely. Store in the fridge for up to 3 weeks, or in the freezer for up to a year. Thaw overnight in the fridge. And that. Is. It.

If I were a crayon, my color would be blueberry jam

If I were a crayon, my color would be blueberry jam

Real butter. Warm Jam. Toast perfected.

Real butter. Warm Jam. Toast perfected.

Laine Palm Planning is a Wedding Design Agency featuring Full Planning and Design for an exclusively curated client list craving a luxe, modern wedding that is raved about for generations. Partnering with premier vendors in the industry, Laine delivers an experience dripping with innovation and realized through intense precision. Creative couples have found their match.