Brown Butter Churro Crispy Treats

As I type, the roof of my mouth is sore from overindulging in the most amazing form of rice krispy treats ever. I really thought it was impossible to enjoy a crispy-like treat more than the chocolate caramel rice krispy treats, but these? Wow. They are just amazing. They really do taste just like a churro (please tell me you've had these??), but with the added fabulousness of the texture of rice krispy treats. They are light, airy, and full of delicious cinnamon flavor. If I could figure out how to eat these with ice cream without turning them rock-hard, I would. I made them in honor of Cinco De Mayo because I do not have the skills to make real churros, but they will be appearing in my kitchen on a regular basis from here on out. Mexican celebration or not, these are here to stay. Get excited, people! You will love these!
Brown Butter Churro Crispy Treats
- 6 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 10 ounces miniature marshmallows
- 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
- 6 cups Cinnamon Chex (I had no idea these existed!)
Butter or coat with non-stick spray an 8-inch square pan (I used an 11x7 and nobody got hurt). In a large pot, melt butter over medium-low heat. Continue to heat until butter melts, then foams, then turns clear golden, then starts to turn brown and smell nutty. Stir frequently, scraping up any bits from bottom as you do. Watch it carefully to make sure it doesn't burn. As soon as butter turns brown, turn off heat, then stir in brown sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. Add marshmallows and stir to melt until marshmallows are smooth and no white streaks remain. Stir in the cereal and salt. As soon as cereal is coated, spread it quickly into prepared pan. I usually wash my hands well and then spray them with cooking spray before pressing the treats into the pan. Let cool 15 minutes, cut into bars and serve.