Pineapple Salsa Chicken

Pineapple Salsa Chicken

You know what I've decided about my husband's current diet? It's really a ploy to engage me in exposure therapy so that I will get over my disdain for chicken. It's not about his health. Nope. It's about forcing me to eat what I swore has no place in my life over and over and over until I like it. Good grief, I think it might be working. I am pretty into chicken these days. Gasp! I just can't even believe it. I still don't think I'd order it out, but I am digging the ways I am preparing it in my home. So, whatever. A girl has a right to change her mind. I have to admit, however, that I was just sure I would not like this little ditty I had in my crockpot yesterday. It was just too easy, with too few ingredients (all of which I already had in my pantry. Currently on a mission to continue to purge things. Pantry items being high on the list), and it had that crockpot smell as it cooked. You know what I mean, right? That unexplainable smell that only a crockpot can do to chicken (I never find this happens with beef). So, I just put on my best happy face even though I was sure dinner was doomed, and I served this chicken to my family--my husband and I had it in salad form (plus I had it 'properly' done up as a taco salad with chips, cheese, and sour cream. He of course abstained from those diet-ruining toppings). I used it as taco filling for my 5 year old, and put some on my 2 year old's plate next to a cheese quesadilla (bet you can guess what her thoughts about that were). And you know what? It was awesome! Totally delicious, tender, and versatile. 3 out of 4 Howes enthusiastically loved it. This is some fantastic filling for burritos, tacos, what have you. We ate off it twice, and I still had enough to put in the freezer for one more meal. Winner winner chicken dinner.

Pineapple Salsa Chicken

-adapted from melskitchencafe

  • 2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts-
  • 1 jar salsa (about 2 cups). 
  • 1 (20 oz) can crushed pineapple, drained
  • 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 can pinto beans, rinses and drained (really any 2 cans of beans will do. Use what you've got)

 Place the chicken breasts in the crockpot. Mix salsa, pineapple, and beans together and pour on top. Cook on high for 4 hours, or low 7-8 hours. Remove chicken from crockpot, shred, and return to crockpot and stir to recombine with beans and pineapple. Easy peasy.