Quick and Easy Granola Bars

I am always up to try homemade versions of granola bars, energy bites, protein balls, etc. These were scary fast. I whipped these up in 5 minutes, threw the pan in the freezer to expedite setting, and went to pick up my kid from camp. When we got home an hour later, I popped 'em out of the pan, cut into bars, and a healthy (and super delicious) snack was served. Score one for Mom.
Quick and Easy Chocolate Granola Bars
-adapted slightly from themarathonmom.com
-1/4 cup honey
-1/4 cup coconut oil
-1/2 cup almond butter (or peanut butter if you prefer)
-2 T flax meal (you can also use wheat germ if you'd rather)
-1 1/2 cups rolled oats
-1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
-1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
Combine oats and flax in large bowl. Melt almond butter, honey, and coconut oil together in small saucepan until melted. Pour over oats/flax. Stir in chocolate chips and coconut. Pour into foil-lined 7x11 or 8" square pan. Chill until firm. Remove and cut into bars the size you like. I cut 12 bars from my 7x11 pan. I put the leftovers in individual snack ziplocks and stuck 'em in the freezer.